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Web Technologies - A07


Select The Blank
Question: ________ allows you to explicitly indicate the type of Internet service involved.
Correct Answer: URL
Your Answer: Web Browser

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
BODY LINK, VLINK, These attributes let us control These attributes let us control
and ALINK the coloring of link text. the coloring of link text.
BODY BGCOLOR Sets background color for the Sets background color for the
document document
BODY TEXT Used to control the color of all Used to control the color of all
the normal text in the document. the normal text in the document.
BODY BACKGROUND Used to point to an image file Used to point to an image file
that will be tiled across the that will be tiled across the
browser window . browser window .

Select The Blank
Question: ________are any documents created by applications such as word processing or graphics applications or even the applications themselves.
Correct Answer: Binary files
Your Answer: Graphic files

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: This is best used when there are two possible values for a given choice-and no others :-
Correct Answer: CHECKBOX
Your Answer: DIALOGBOX

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The commonly used packages for Creating Graphics for the Web are :-
Correct Answer: CorelDraw!, , Adobe Photoshop , Fractal Painter
Your Answer: CorelDraw!, , Adobe Photoshop , Fractal Painter

Select The Blank
Question: ________ tags allow the browser to choose, within limitations, how the marked-up text will be displayed.
Correct Answer: Implicit
Your Answer: Implicit

Question: The text browsers which do not show italic text, can display the or tags by underlining, bold facing, or highlighting the text.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The Netscape Navigator was developed by a programmer named :-
Correct Answer: Marc Andersen
Your Answer: Marc Andersen

Select The Blank
Question: Like CHECKBOX, ________ is designed to offer your user a choice from pre-determined options.
Correct Answer: RADIO
Your Answer: RADIO

Select The Blank
Question: IIS is built on the ________.
Correct Answer: Windows NT Advanced Server
Your Answer: Windows 95 server

Question: It is possible to use more than one Web browser. If another Web browser is installed on our computer, we can still safely install Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The three vertices of Web pyramid are :-
Correct Answer: Form , Function , Purpose
Your Answer: Form , Function , Purpose

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The MIME Equivalent of File AVI video for the Tag is :-
Correct Answer: application/avi
Your Answer: application/avi

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Proper planning of web site is required to make it more :-
Correct Answer: Attractive , Informative , Interactive
Your Answer: Attractive , Informative , Interactive

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The some main reasons for developers making mistakes while building a web site are :-
Correct Answer: Lack of developer experience , Poorly defined process , Unrealistic schedules
Your Answer: Lack of developer experience , Poorly defined process

Select The Blank
Question: RADIO requires that you use the VALUE attribute, and that the NAME attribute be the same for all of ________ tags that are intended for the same group.
Correct Answer:
Your Answer:

Question: Being ranked upon top 10 positions for any web site is extremely important , especially because 8 million other sites are fighting for same business.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The hypertext concept of the Web was introduced to the world of multimedia, resulting in the hypermedia links that are possible in HTML with graphical browsers such as
Correct Answer: NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer
Your Answer: NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The speed of Internet connection is measured in terms of "how many bits of data can be transmitted across the Internet in a second" and termed as :-
Correct Answer: Bps
Your Answer: Bytes

Select The Blank
Question: Prior to hiring outside testers , create a list of key________ to accomplish on your site.
Correct Answer: tasks
Your Answer: tasks

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :-
Correct Answer: World Wide Web
Your Answer: World Wide Web

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Here are few points for initially testing your web pages
Correct Answer: Resize the page several times to see how your layout is affected by different sizes. , Check various browser commands. , use Dreamweaver which enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with preview in browser feature,
Your Answer: use Dreamweaver which enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with preview in browser feature, , Resize the page several times to see how your layout is affected by different sizes. , Check various browser commands.

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: in addition to browsers , OS and platforms , it is also necessary to test :-
Correct Answer: resolution of screen
Your Answer: mouse click

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Here are some examples of ActiveX Scripting hosts:-
Correct Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools , Shell
Your Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools

Select The Blank
Question: The Web is based on a concept called ________ which means that text within the paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as links to other Web pages.
Correct Answer: Hypertext
Your Answer: Hypertext

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is the language that describes how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together on web.
Correct Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)
Your Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The SUBMIT type accepts only the attribute, which can be used to rename the button, called :-
Correct Answer: VALUE
Your Answer: VALUE

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

HotMetal Pro SoftQuad SoftQuad

Dreamweaver Macromedia Macromedia

FrontPage Microsoft Microsoft

Fusion NetObjects NetObjects

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Web design is truly a multi-disciplinary field as it involves various fields such as :-
Correct Answer: Graphic design , Programming client/server technology , User interface design
Your Answer: Graphic design , Programming client/server technology , User interface design

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The tag takes the attributes NAME and :-
Correct Answer: VALUE
Your Answer: VALUE

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The computer used by a user for retrieval of information from internet is generally termed as :-
Correct Answer: Client computer
Your Answer: Client computer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: When a binary document such as a graphics file is sent over the Web, it's important that it has the appropriate :-
Correct Answer: Extension
Your Answer: Extension

Question: To help determine the most important browsers and platforms for your testing schemes , it is necessary to prioritize them according to which constitutes the widest portion of your audience.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: False

Select The Blank
Question: Although you shouldn't copy others' work, don't forget that you can always use ________ commands to learn how something was done on the Web.
Correct Answer: View Source
Your Answer: View Source

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The following lists the attributes you use with
Correct Answer: NAME is the name of the data (required). , SIZE determines how many choices to show. , MULTIPLE allows you to select multiple options and always renders a scrolling list.
Your Answer: NAME is the name of the data (required). , SIZE determines how many choices to show. , COLOR selects color for form

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Various INPUT types are :-

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: VLINK stands for :-
Correct Answer: Visited link
Your Answer: Visited link

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